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Dr. Thom Snaphaan
Dr. Thom Snaphaan

Thom Snaphaan is Associate Professor of Applied Data, Crime and Security Science at the Centre of Expertise Safe & Resilient Society (in Dutch: ‘Veiligheid & Veerkracht’ - V&V) at Avans University of Applied Sciences.
Besides, he is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer 'Quantitative Methods and Techniques in Criminology' at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University. His research interest lies in the field of using new and emerging data sources (big data) in the context of crime research. In his PhD research, he studied the empirical opportunities, prospects, and threats of using big data in criminological research. His work further explores the practical applications of these data, particularly in policing and digital forensics.
Recently, dr. Jos Brouwers and Thom started a research project on (intelligence following) chemical fingerprinting of illegal drug waste dumping (see

CLHC Forensic Science Theme
1. Criminalistics, Criminology and Crime Scene Science
4. Digital Forensics, Forensic Big Data Analysis and Cybercrime


  • Big data analytics
  • Crime Science
  • Machine learning, A.I.
  • Policing

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