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We are organizing our 10th annual symposium on Thursday October 26, 2023, at the CWI Congress Centre in Amsterdam! This symposium will bring together students of the Forensic Science Master of the UvA, PhD students within the forensic network, forensic academic scientists, forensic experts of the NFI, professionals in the Dutch criminal justice system (police and legal experts) and all those who support and take an interest in forensic science in the Netherlands.
Event details of CLHC Symposium
26 October 2023
09:00 -17:00

Our annual symposium will be a great venue for sharing the latest developments, starting collaborations and exchanging ideas to advance forensic science. Vice versa many valuable new methods to solve crime have been adopted from new scientific insights and technological developments in other science areas.

This academic year (2023-2024) the CLHC celebrates its 10-year anniversary. But there is another reason to join this special edition of our annual symposium: we will officially launch the Dutch Forensic Research Agenda (NFOA) and the plenary program will feature lectures that discuss the five key themes of the Agenda. For one of the themes, we are proud to announce that Dr Duncan Taylor, will travel all the way from Australia to be our invited key note speaker. Duncan is a forensic biologist and statistician and a world-renowned expert in the field of activity-level interpretation of DNA evidence! Dr Duncan Taylor and Dr Bas Kokshoorn will also give a workshop to discuss activity level interpretation in forensic biology. More details on the program will follow soon.

Please register beneath if you want to attend this full day symposium. You are also invited to present your own research at the poster session during lunch. A capable jury will select the best CLHC poster, and the winner will receive a nice award and prize from the CLHC board. So, do not miss out on a great opportunity to present yourself and your forensic research by simply indicating that you want to present a poster and by providing the title of your poster upon registration.

More information and the final program will be shared via the CLHC Newsletter (subscribe here) and, of course, on this page.

Register with the button below!

The venue of the symposium is CWI Congress Centre, Science Park in Amsterdam.
Deadline for registration is October 19.

We are looking forward to see you at our 10th symposium!

Poster CLHC Symposium
CWI Congress Centre, Science Park Amsterdam
CWI Congress Centre, Science Park Amsterdam